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Save the date!

July 25th at 1:30pm, at the St. George Courthouse.

206 W Tabernacle St, Suite 100, St. George

The hearing for oral arguments on our appeal of the September 1st, 2022 decision by the Ivins City Council to amend the zoning of the of the SITLA 120 Property is in three short weeks! Up-zoning was passed by a three to two vote of the City Council from 1 home per 5 acres, to up to 35 units per 5 acres. This up-zone makes it possible for 500 units, including 250 short-term-rentals, to be built on the property, next to established neighborhoods!

The hearing will be with Judge Barnes. Please plan to attend and show the judge that this matters to everyone. We all need to send emails voicing our concerns to the SITLA representative Gregg MacArthur at and copy Kyle Paisley at DOGI is optimistic that SITLA wants to be a good neighbor and they will be receptive to our concerns.

If you think the SITLA 120 development (also known as the "Retreat at Black Desert") won't affect you, think again! SITLA owns property throughout Ivins, mostly on the Northwest side. SITLA has sold to developers (including a City Council member) that are trying to develop more short-term-rentals.

In addition to the short-term-rental threat from other SITLA properties, the "Retreat at Black Desert" concept plan offers minimal amenities. This means the transient occupants will be using their vehicles to travel from the development, through Ivins, to Snow Canyon State Park, Hell Hole, Fire Lake and Gunlock. All this means more people, more traffic, and not enough parking.

Already, current and previous Ivins City Councils have approved over 1700 tourist accommodations!


Bottom line: Please, email your concerns to Gregg MacArthur, and cc Kyle Paisley at the addresses above and come to the courthouse on July 25th!

Thank you!

Mike Cook

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