On September 1, 2022, over the opposition from a vast number of residents, the Ivins city council approved, by a 3 to 2 vote, to rezone Rainbow Canyon known as the SITLA 120 property, from RA-5, Residential Agriculture to RC, Resort Commercial.
The developer’s plan for the property is a mix of for-sale housing operating as a Resort Hotel with approximately 250 short-term rentals. They envision 2 and 3-story duplexes, triplex, and fourplex homes and high-density, stack-and-pack motor court townhomes.
In the public meeting, loaded with facts, the community spoke out against this development.
Detrimental impacts from transient occupants will affect residents’ quality of life by straining precious limited resources, increasing traffic, noise, and causing irreversible destruction to the natural environment. Ivins already has 1,700 built or approved over-night rental accommodations in the 10 square mile city. When is enough, enough?
DOGIs formed to put a stop to reckless development and to put the future of Ivins City back in the resident's hands, not developers. We support preservation and protection of our limited natural resources and making residents' voices heard at city hall.